Friday, March 5, 2010

I have more people cosplaying with me!!!

I'm so happy right now! You see, I sent a message to my friend Jordin about cosplaying and that I needed another person to complete my small group. Well, he answered back saying that he'd LOVE TO IT!!!! That's why I'm so happy!!!
I'm also in complete shock because Jordin seems to be one of those guys who only cares about football and little about school. I guess I was wrong ^__^ He actually wants to cosplay and have fun with me and my small group at the AnimeExpo!!!

So he is going to be Kyo from Fruits Basket and I'm letting him decide on what charcter he wants to be from Naruto Shippuden. But I think he should be either Kakashi or Neji because he's tall enough to be either one. And oh yeah, I found a Naruto!!! My friend Phil really wants to be Naruto, but he has to come up with money or he'll never get the fabric:( So he's saving up a lot right now, which is a good thing. I haven't told him about Fruits Basket yet, but I will tomorrow.

And the last person who wants to cosplay along with me, is my college friend Raquel. She wants to be Hima-Jima from Fruits Basket and Ten-Ten from Naruto Shippuden. Now I think that's great and the best part is: Her mom is really good at sewing!!! So her costume could probably be done before ours >.< But I can't wait to get all together and start sewing as soon as possible.

So here is my cosplay group (for the moment):

Me: Sakura(Naruto Shippuden), Torhu Honda(Fruits Basket)
Flavio: Sasuke(Naruto Shippuden), Yuki Sohma(Fruits Basket)
Jordin: *Unknown*(Naruto Shippuden), Kyo Sohma(Fruits Basket)
Phil: Naruto(Naruto Shippuden), *Unknown*(Fruits Basket)
Raquel: Ten-Ten(Naruto Shippuden), Hana-Jima(Fruits Basket)

I think I have enough people for this AnimeExpo because that's all my can take. And besides, she's thinking about having one of her friends be a chapprone because my mom can't handle all of us herself. Especially Phil, because the last we went somewhere, he asked my mom to take him to TOYS 'R US so he could buy all the New Moon stuff they had.
Are you kidding me?! Oh well, that was a while back. But next time, I'm gonna be more prepared to say NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Ok, well I'm gonna rap up and say good night because I have a big day tomorrow and I need my sleep. Tomorrow, I'm going to go help out serve a breakfast for Dr. Suess's birthday, then I'm gonna go with Oscar and Phil to see Alice in Wonderland in IMAX!!!!!! I'm sooo excitedXD


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