Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School and a little cosplay...

Sorry for not posting as much as I used too, but school started last Wednesday and I haven't been able to post anything. Also, I've become extremely lazy on this and my other sites. Idk. Maybe I'm just not into "that" mood as I was several months ago.

Anywhoo, school has started and I'm pretty thrilled with my classes because they're all easy (except math...booo) and each one has an entertaining teacher. I love teachers who are fun and speak loud and clear. Mostly because I'm hearing impaired and I like having teachers who speak loudly enough for me. And I like it when they're fun because it usually keeps me awake and entertained :)
And aside from classes, I'm getting to see my college friends again ^__^ Last Friday, we all went to see "Vampire Sucks" (which truly does) as a back-to-school celebration. idk, we can be weird sometimes. lol :D And besides, we wanted to make fun of a movie that we all knew that would be bad (which it was so please don't see it...it's not worth it) and just have fun before the weekend.

And as for cosplay, I plan on starting on my Sakura costume this weekend, (since I have nothing else better to do) because I feel like that if I don't start now, I might regret it later. I'm not sure if I'll go to any of the fall conventions, but it does help to sew a costume ahead of time just in case, cause you never know :)
But I'll probably wear Sakura at Fanime next year.

Who knows.

Anyway, I have other cosplays in mind that I'll probably sew for Fanime or other cons:

Sakura (Naruto Shippuden)
Rukia (Bleach)
Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club)
Haine (The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts 2)
Paine (Final Fantasy X-2)
Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)

The list might shorten before Fanime because it's too many to make and might be pricy for fabrics and wigs. But I'll still make all of the costumes as you can see on the list :)

But I'm most likely going to cosplay Zelda because everyone keeps telling me that I look like her!!!! I'm so touched *__* If I can pull off being Zelda very well, then she will be my main character of cosplays. You know, that I'll take many pictures of myself as Zelda and post them everywhere on the interent and claim to say that I am Zelda. lol :)

Well mostly facebook, youtube, deviantart, and this blog. lol I might get a cosplay.com too, but I'm going to wait until after Fanime next year to get one because at this moment, Tohru is the only cosplay that I've done so far :/

Oh well, there is more to come in the future and I hope that I'll have enough money for the stuff that I need and want for my cosplays.

Ok, time for beddy byes. I'm tired from doing my homework and trying out this SAI paint program for artists like me. It's totally FUN ^_______^ Good night everybody.

Next month I'll be changing my background picture again. Just so you know....

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