Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm as busy as a Bumble bee

And it's true. The reason why I haven't posted anything in a while is because I had several graduations to go to, one short family vaction, and one fun trip with college/cosplay friends.

Yup, I've been busy. I also have been busy with my Tohru costume as well and the skirt is coming along just really great! I can't wait to see what it'll look like when I'm done with it, as well as the shirt. My other cosplay members haven't even started on theirs and they're really behind. We've got until July 17th to finish our Fruits Basket costumes because of the Ani-Vent in Fresno, so I've been trying to text them all, but none of them have responded. Maybe I should try calling them or something idk, but I'm not much of a calling person. Oh well.

Anyway, about the graduation ceremonies that I had to go to because I usually have nothing else better to do, the first one was in LA and it was for my dad's friends sons college graduation. It was fine and a little interesting but really HOT!!! I tried to read my book Runaway by Meg Cabot to get my mind off of the heat, but it just made it worse.
So I told my mom that I needed shade and went straight to the nearest tree and stayed there for a while until all the students got their diplomas. This is why I hate outdoor graduations because it's always hot and sweaty, especially in the early morning. I like them better when they're in the evening because it's not as hot and it's more relaxing.

But that's just MY opinion.

So after the graduation I got to meet my dad's friends son (his name was Ryan btw) for the first time and he was really nice and he talked to me for a little bit and asked me where I was going to college and the usual blahdity blah blah. Then we all went to the Cheese Cake Factory and I ordered a chicken sandwich rather than a nice juicy beef. IDK, something different I guess.
Then me and my family left for the hotel in Lanchaster (I think that's how you spell it) and stayed there for a couple of nights. We also got to visit my dad's old house where he used to when he was a kid and surprisingly, it's still standing. We also crusied around the town and the surrounding areas of the California mountain desert (yes it's a desert) which was actually really fun. I've never seen that part of California before, especially since it was my first time in a mountian desert. I think I want to visit it again just for fun.

Then on Monday, we came home and I went straight to my computer because I missed it so much and also I got a lot of messages on DA, youtube, and facebook ^__^ Yup, busy busy.

Okay, then on Tuesday last week, I went to Monterey Bay Aquarium with my college/cosplay friends to just relax and have fun from the stupid finals. Also, it was a getaway from home for a whole day and we all needed it. I'll post some pics up in my next blog because I need to practice on my piano. Anyway, not only did we go to the aquarium, but we went to a small beach as well and we all had fun swimming and throwing sand at each other. Yup, it was the best trip that I ever had with my friends this year and I do hope that we do it again because I want to.

Well I guess you could say that the Ani-Vent counts as our second trip :)

Speaking of which, I finally ordered my Tohru Honda wig on ebay so I'm looking forward to getting it real soon. It'll probably come this Friday or Saturday, so when I do get my wig I'll give it test by taking pictures and making videos of myself and also to see how I look with my wig. I do hope my friends get their wigs soon because we don't have much time and really do wish that they answered my texts, I'm starting to get annoyed.

Got to go now so peace out ;D

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on those out-door graduations.
    For my high school graduation we sat outside bored as heck because we went through it a few hours prior. Someone was "funny" enough to blow up a condom balloon and throw it around while the super was making a speech. There were a few other balloons and blimps that flew by and EVERYONE and I mean EVERY single student sitting there was staring at those instead of the stage hahaha.

    Post pics of your Tohru costume when you are done!! :D
