Anyway, I think I'll go see it, just so when people start talking about it, no one spoils it for me. But I'm not really a big fan on films like these because (like I said), the endings tend to be too sad or the story line tends to be dull. Depends on how I like it. Like, I love A Walk to Remember because it surprised me to know that Nicolas Sparks was actually a christian and wrote about a tough boy falling in love with an innocent christian girl. Stuff like that hardly happens in real life. Well, to me at least because I've never had a boyfriend..............and I've never been KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kind of surprising isn't it?
Well, I have more things to worry about than being in relations with a guy and being kissed by a guy. I have school, homework, and the gaint Fanime cosplay convention to worry about the most. And a boyfriend is too much for me to handle at the moment, so don't expect me to get one real soon.
Besides, I'm usually afraid that if I start getting into a relationship, I might fail my subjects or my guy might cheat on me or he might not be a christian. I fear a lot of things when it comes to relations, so that's why I try to avoid getting into one.
I mean, I still want a boyfriend, just not now.
Okay, I'm gonna go's homework time>_< Boooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would give anything to not have any homework right now.

See it, if your a fan of Nicolas Sparks or if love mushy romance films or if you're actually IN a relationship. Unlike me T_T
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