Anyway, here is my list:
Edward Elric: Full Metal Alchemist
The costume could be hard to make, considering that he has a metal arm and leg, but I really want to cosplay as him because he'll be the first male that I'll cosplay. Also, he is pretty "short" and that fits well with my part, since I am about 5'3". I plan on cosplaying as him when it's a cooler time next year because he wears long sleeves.

Haruhi Suzumiya: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I really love this particular character because she always does something interesting everyday and forces the SOS brigade to join her in her ridiculous activies. Which are mostly finding aliens, time travelers, and espers. I plan on cosplaying as her during the summer conventions or the fall conventions. Either way should work and besides, the costume should be easy to make.

Konata: Lucky Star
I love this character a lot because she reminds me of my friends. The reason being is that Konata is a lazy girl who loves anime, manga, and video games and can never seem to get her homework done. Yet surprisingly she aces her tests. I'm kind of starting to act like her now:3 I'll be cosplaying her at the big anime convention in July, but it'll be in her summer uniform instead.

San: Mamotte Lollipop
I really want to cosplay as her because her oufit is so adorable and she carries a large wand too which makes it even more fun. San is a cute dimwitted character who likes to dress up Forte in girls clothesXD I'll be cosplaying as her at Halloween anime conventions or bigger conventions, just to support the anime and manga because it's not very popular.

CC: Code Geass
This character is very uniqe and she doesn't wear those super short skirt uniform. I like how she does things absentmindly when unexpected. She's the only character in Code Geass that I like, Lelouch just kills people. I'll be cosplaying as her in fall or winter conventions.

Kagome: Inuyasha
Thank goodness she's not like Bella from Twilight. Kagome is not a meaningless character because she actually DOES something. And I like how she yells SIT to poor Inuyasha all the time because he usually deserves it. I'll be cosplaying as her in the fall or next year.

Amu in her Amulet Spade form: Shugo Chara
I really want to cosplay as her artist form because I'm already doing a lot of school uniforms from other animes, so why not do this costume? I mostly like it because it's blue and looks easy to make. Though, the hat will be hard to make and socks will be hard to find. I'll be cosplaying as her in the convention in July.

Usagi: Sailor Moon
After rewatching the show and remembering the good times watching this show when I was a kid, I have always wanted to cosplay as Usagi. True, at the beginning of the series she's defenseless and always counts Tuxedo Mask to save her. But as the series progresses, she gets stronger and stronger and tries not to cry uncontrollably during a battle. I love it when she actually does fight without any help from her Sailor Scouts or Tuxedo Mask. It makes the story more interesting. I'll be cosplaying her at the convention in July.

Haruhi Fujioka: Ouran High School Host Club
Don't worry. I'll cosplay as her inventually but I need to go slowly with my costumes first and then I'll get to her when I can. I'll be cosplaying as her in the fall or next year. Whatever works because she's my favorite character next to Tamaki.

So there you have it. All of the characters that I'll be cosplaying in the future of cosplay conventions yet to comeXD I really look forward to cosplaying them all, but the list might increase as the months and years pass by.
But I'm trying to do a lot this year because next year, I'll be going to Simpson University in Redding and I don't think I'll have that many chances of making my costumes or going to a convention at least. Summer time will be my only chance because I'll be home. And then of course Halloween will be another chance when I'm up at Simpson.
But for now, I should try to spend as much time as I can making these costumes so I can go to many cosplay conventions in the future.
That is all for today. I have homework to do that I should've started hours ago, but I was too busy watching Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist and reading the manga The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross :3
Ciao for now ;)
Yay for a cosplay list!! ^~^ Seems pretty cool. I have a Shugo Chara character in my Future Cosplay album too. Hehe.