I've got a lot on my mind today and so many problems to handle.
Well, for starters:
My friend Flavio is not going to Fanime because (according to his parents) it's too far away, but he still wants to make his costume so he can try to go to another one a little bit nearer. Too far away huh? That's nothing!!! Try Dominican Republic, now that's a day and a half away and San Jose is like 5 to 6 hours away.
I'll think of something to convince his parents on making HIM go at least because I sort of know how to make my plans happen.
My mom has finally decided to make my costumes, but refuses to take me to Fanime because the weekend before she and my dad are going to Disneyland with my sisters high school band and that is costing them about $200 per person!!!! While Fanime is at least $70 per person (I think) and my mom does not want to spend THAT much money on a cosplay convention.
I have to find somebody to take me to Fanime. You see, my mom will let me go, but I have to talk to my friend Kay-chan about taking me because she's going as well as Sheik (another friend of mine). But I'm afraid that there will be too many people going and I would not want to be such a heavy burden to the people who are going. I mean, I don't complain or anything, when I'm around people that is, but I would hate it if someone were to complain about sleeping on the floor at the hotel while I slept on the bed or if I wanted to buy something really cute at the Fanime and they would complain that I would be taking too long. Which in fact, I do:3
But I really want to go because it will be my first cosplay ever and I really want to tell my mom about it so that next time she go with me. Because that's what she wants. She wants me to go with somebody and then come back and tell her about it so that way she can be aware of what will happen the next time we go.
So, if you are reading my blog, tell me what I should do. Or, if you live near by me and you are going, PLEASE take me!!!!! I'm soooo desperate!!!!
Bye for now:)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Upcoming cosplay costumes...
So I've made a rough list of my upcoming cosplay costumes that I will be making in the future for cosplay conventions. The list isn't really in order because the blog spot doesn't know how to keep things in order:( Stupid blogs.
Anyway, here is my list:
Edward Elric: Full Metal Alchemist
The costume could be hard to make, considering that he has a metal arm and leg, but I really want to cosplay as him because he'll be the first male that I'll cosplay. Also, he is pretty "short" and that fits well with my part, since I am about 5'3". I plan on cosplaying as him when it's a cooler time next year because he wears long sleeves.

Haruhi Suzumiya: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I really love this particular character because she always does something interesting everyday and forces the SOS brigade to join her in her ridiculous activies. Which are mostly finding aliens, time travelers, and espers. I plan on cosplaying as her during the summer conventions or the fall conventions. Either way should work and besides, the costume should be easy to make.

Konata: Lucky Star
I love this character a lot because she reminds me of my friends. The reason being is that Konata is a lazy girl who loves anime, manga, and video games and can never seem to get her homework done. Yet surprisingly she aces her tests. I'm kind of starting to act like her now:3 I'll be cosplaying her at the big anime convention in July, but it'll be in her summer uniform instead.

San: Mamotte Lollipop
I really want to cosplay as her because her oufit is so adorable and she carries a large wand too which makes it even more fun. San is a cute dimwitted character who likes to dress up Forte in girls clothesXD I'll be cosplaying as her at Halloween anime conventions or bigger conventions, just to support the anime and manga because it's not very popular.

CC: Code Geass
This character is very uniqe and she doesn't wear those super short skirt uniform. I like how she does things absentmindly when unexpected. She's the only character in Code Geass that I like, Lelouch just kills people. I'll be cosplaying as her in fall or winter conventions.

Kagome: Inuyasha
Thank goodness she's not like Bella from Twilight. Kagome is not a meaningless character because she actually DOES something. And I like how she yells SIT to poor Inuyasha all the time because he usually deserves it. I'll be cosplaying as her in the fall or next year.

Amu in her Amulet Spade form: Shugo Chara
I really want to cosplay as her artist form because I'm already doing a lot of school uniforms from other animes, so why not do this costume? I mostly like it because it's blue and looks easy to make. Though, the hat will be hard to make and socks will be hard to find. I'll be cosplaying as her in the convention in July.

Usagi: Sailor Moon
After rewatching the show and remembering the good times watching this show when I was a kid, I have always wanted to cosplay as Usagi. True, at the beginning of the series she's defenseless and always counts Tuxedo Mask to save her. But as the series progresses, she gets stronger and stronger and tries not to cry uncontrollably during a battle. I love it when she actually does fight without any help from her Sailor Scouts or Tuxedo Mask. It makes the story more interesting. I'll be cosplaying her at the convention in July.

Haruhi Fujioka: Ouran High School Host Club
Don't worry. I'll cosplay as her inventually but I need to go slowly with my costumes first and then I'll get to her when I can. I'll be cosplaying as her in the fall or next year. Whatever works because she's my favorite character next to Tamaki.

So there you have it. All of the characters that I'll be cosplaying in the future of cosplay conventions yet to comeXD I really look forward to cosplaying them all, but the list might increase as the months and years pass by.
But I'm trying to do a lot this year because next year, I'll be going to Simpson University in Redding and I don't think I'll have that many chances of making my costumes or going to a convention at least. Summer time will be my only chance because I'll be home. And then of course Halloween will be another chance when I'm up at Simpson.
But for now, I should try to spend as much time as I can making these costumes so I can go to many cosplay conventions in the future.
That is all for today. I have homework to do that I should've started hours ago, but I was too busy watching Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist and reading the manga The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross :3
Ciao for now ;)
Anyway, here is my list:
Edward Elric: Full Metal Alchemist
The costume could be hard to make, considering that he has a metal arm and leg, but I really want to cosplay as him because he'll be the first male that I'll cosplay. Also, he is pretty "short" and that fits well with my part, since I am about 5'3". I plan on cosplaying as him when it's a cooler time next year because he wears long sleeves.

Haruhi Suzumiya: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I really love this particular character because she always does something interesting everyday and forces the SOS brigade to join her in her ridiculous activies. Which are mostly finding aliens, time travelers, and espers. I plan on cosplaying as her during the summer conventions or the fall conventions. Either way should work and besides, the costume should be easy to make.

Konata: Lucky Star
I love this character a lot because she reminds me of my friends. The reason being is that Konata is a lazy girl who loves anime, manga, and video games and can never seem to get her homework done. Yet surprisingly she aces her tests. I'm kind of starting to act like her now:3 I'll be cosplaying her at the big anime convention in July, but it'll be in her summer uniform instead.

San: Mamotte Lollipop
I really want to cosplay as her because her oufit is so adorable and she carries a large wand too which makes it even more fun. San is a cute dimwitted character who likes to dress up Forte in girls clothesXD I'll be cosplaying as her at Halloween anime conventions or bigger conventions, just to support the anime and manga because it's not very popular.

CC: Code Geass
This character is very uniqe and she doesn't wear those super short skirt uniform. I like how she does things absentmindly when unexpected. She's the only character in Code Geass that I like, Lelouch just kills people. I'll be cosplaying as her in fall or winter conventions.

Kagome: Inuyasha
Thank goodness she's not like Bella from Twilight. Kagome is not a meaningless character because she actually DOES something. And I like how she yells SIT to poor Inuyasha all the time because he usually deserves it. I'll be cosplaying as her in the fall or next year.

Amu in her Amulet Spade form: Shugo Chara
I really want to cosplay as her artist form because I'm already doing a lot of school uniforms from other animes, so why not do this costume? I mostly like it because it's blue and looks easy to make. Though, the hat will be hard to make and socks will be hard to find. I'll be cosplaying as her in the convention in July.

Usagi: Sailor Moon
After rewatching the show and remembering the good times watching this show when I was a kid, I have always wanted to cosplay as Usagi. True, at the beginning of the series she's defenseless and always counts Tuxedo Mask to save her. But as the series progresses, she gets stronger and stronger and tries not to cry uncontrollably during a battle. I love it when she actually does fight without any help from her Sailor Scouts or Tuxedo Mask. It makes the story more interesting. I'll be cosplaying her at the convention in July.

Haruhi Fujioka: Ouran High School Host Club
Don't worry. I'll cosplay as her inventually but I need to go slowly with my costumes first and then I'll get to her when I can. I'll be cosplaying as her in the fall or next year. Whatever works because she's my favorite character next to Tamaki.

So there you have it. All of the characters that I'll be cosplaying in the future of cosplay conventions yet to comeXD I really look forward to cosplaying them all, but the list might increase as the months and years pass by.
But I'm trying to do a lot this year because next year, I'll be going to Simpson University in Redding and I don't think I'll have that many chances of making my costumes or going to a convention at least. Summer time will be my only chance because I'll be home. And then of course Halloween will be another chance when I'm up at Simpson.
But for now, I should try to spend as much time as I can making these costumes so I can go to many cosplay conventions in the future.
That is all for today. I have homework to do that I should've started hours ago, but I was too busy watching Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist and reading the manga The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross :3
Ciao for now ;)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Cosplay progress: Zero=Nothing accomplished
Ok, I know I haven't been blogging lately...but it's because of school and I've been making a lot of youtube videos because of the 4 day weekendXD.
Anyway, cosplay update: I've decided to do Tohru Honda's summer uniform instead because since the Fanime is in May (and in San Jose), it'll probably be extremely HOT and I sweat easyily. It's true. I mean, I've tried every deoderant (I think that's how you spell it) in the womens section and ALL are a complete failure.
Not a single one has kept me dry.
I've even tried mens deoderant and did that work: NO!!!!
So me and my parents think I should go to the doctor and see what is wrong with me and what I really should use.
Anyway, back on the subject. So yeah, Tohru's summer uniform looks pretty easy to make because I just bought a plain nice white shirt and I already have the fabric for my skirt and the sailor vest and I'm ready to go ;) But the question is: when? because my mom is taking forever to say,"Ok Emily, let's get started." because she is super busy. So I think I'm going to try to start on my own by going to my friend Kay-chan's house and get started.
But the problem is, she's not going to be home this weekend, so that's a no go:( And to make things worse, my friend Flavio (who is going to be Yuki), his mom doesn't know how to sew and they don't even have a sewing machine. Can anything else get even more worse?
So I'm kind of stuck at the moment, but I have to get started NOW because I'm making two costumes and I only have FOUR months to get them done!!!! My first costume is of course, Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Then my second costume is going to be Sakura from the Naruto Shippuden. Yeah. Flavio really wants to be Sasuke from the new version of Naruto because his costume looks easy to make.
Though, I'm not really sure about THAT:
So this is Sakura's costume from Naruto Shippuden. I'll be wearing it for the masquerade costume contest because it seems more advanced.

This is Sasuke's costume from Naruto Shippuden. This one seems easy, but where are we going to find a big shirt and a big piece of rope? Oh well, we'll just have to try our best:)

So yeah, those will be our masquerade costumes because Fruits Basket costumes are not really contest material. But that's just MY opinion.
Oh yeah, me and Flavio are thinking about having his younger brother be Naruto because he's old enough and tall enough to be him which makes it perfect!!!! But the problem is that his skin is slightly tanner than Flavio's (because they're part Mexican part white) and that could be a problem.
But what the heck!!!! Who cares, besides, I don't know any other guys who would be a good Naruto and I don't think they would want to do it anyway because they're all super lazy.
So I'm his younger brother will do it^__^
Well, I hope to get started real soon and get the fabric for Sakura because I haven't gotten the fabric for her costume yet. And Flavio hasn't even gotten his fabric yet so I think I'm just going to drag him and his younger brother into JoAnns one day and get the fabric we need and then go to Kay-chan's house to get started.
IDK. I have a few ideas.
Talk later. Ciao ^_____^
Anyway, cosplay update: I've decided to do Tohru Honda's summer uniform instead because since the Fanime is in May (and in San Jose), it'll probably be extremely HOT and I sweat easyily. It's true. I mean, I've tried every deoderant (I think that's how you spell it) in the womens section and ALL are a complete failure.
Not a single one has kept me dry.
I've even tried mens deoderant and did that work: NO!!!!
So me and my parents think I should go to the doctor and see what is wrong with me and what I really should use.
Anyway, back on the subject. So yeah, Tohru's summer uniform looks pretty easy to make because I just bought a plain nice white shirt and I already have the fabric for my skirt and the sailor vest and I'm ready to go ;) But the question is: when? because my mom is taking forever to say,"Ok Emily, let's get started." because she is super busy. So I think I'm going to try to start on my own by going to my friend Kay-chan's house and get started.
But the problem is, she's not going to be home this weekend, so that's a no go:( And to make things worse, my friend Flavio (who is going to be Yuki), his mom doesn't know how to sew and they don't even have a sewing machine. Can anything else get even more worse?
So I'm kind of stuck at the moment, but I have to get started NOW because I'm making two costumes and I only have FOUR months to get them done!!!! My first costume is of course, Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Then my second costume is going to be Sakura from the Naruto Shippuden. Yeah. Flavio really wants to be Sasuke from the new version of Naruto because his costume looks easy to make.
Though, I'm not really sure about THAT:
So this is Sakura's costume from Naruto Shippuden. I'll be wearing it for the masquerade costume contest because it seems more advanced.

This is Sasuke's costume from Naruto Shippuden. This one seems easy, but where are we going to find a big shirt and a big piece of rope? Oh well, we'll just have to try our best:)

So yeah, those will be our masquerade costumes because Fruits Basket costumes are not really contest material. But that's just MY opinion.
Oh yeah, me and Flavio are thinking about having his younger brother be Naruto because he's old enough and tall enough to be him which makes it perfect!!!! But the problem is that his skin is slightly tanner than Flavio's (because they're part Mexican part white) and that could be a problem.
But what the heck!!!! Who cares, besides, I don't know any other guys who would be a good Naruto and I don't think they would want to do it anyway because they're all super lazy.
So I'm his younger brother will do it^__^
Well, I hope to get started real soon and get the fabric for Sakura because I haven't gotten the fabric for her costume yet. And Flavio hasn't even gotten his fabric yet so I think I'm just going to drag him and his younger brother into JoAnns one day and get the fabric we need and then go to Kay-chan's house to get started.
IDK. I have a few ideas.
Talk later. Ciao ^_____^
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Last season of Lost......FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For almost 5 to 6 years, Lost, the tv show, has amazed people but in my opinion, it has not amazed me! I mean, seriously, what the heck was polar bear doing in the middle of the island?!?!?!? And why in the world hasn't that fat guy lost any weight?!?
Oh yeah! They "found" food in an underground basement and that's why that fat guy has not lost any weight!!!!
If you ask me, the show seemed kind of pointless and it felt like that the people never got off that stupid mysterious island. Maybe they did, but I don't think they did.
So I'm predicting that everyone, except one person, will die because everyone seems to be killing each other in like, every episode!!!!!!!!!!! Where in the world did they get guns?!?!? Sorry. To be honest, I've only seen about 4 episodes (because I wanted to see the plane crash), and then I was like "I'm done" because the show was too weird and twisted to me. So I switched to watching Flight 29 Down because the teens didn't kill each other for pointless reasons and they're actually smarter than the Lost people. But that's just MY opinion:)
Anyway, once when Lost IS over, no one will speak of it again because there will be no upcoming episodes to worry about or anything. Seriously, why can't they just all die the very first episode and be over with!!!! It's annoying enough that even the "pretty" actors and actresses are still in the show and they haven't even died yet!!!
I think that's what made me stop watching it (besides the 4 episodes part) because, not only did my favorite character (you know, the guy who was Merry in LOTR) die, but I was just annoyed by how the characters killed each other for stupid reasons.
So, I'm sorry for you Lost fans, if I offended you. But this is coming from someone who thinks that Lost is just plainly stupid and too twisted for anybody. I'd rather watch Glee because it's not as twisted as THIS show!!! Or Naruto or some other anime. But Lost just really isn't for me.
At least I gave it a try and I just chose to hate it. You may like it all you want, but it makes me wonder.................what are you going to watch when Lost IS finally over because there's that many good shows to watch on ABC anymore. This includes Desperate Housewives (I want that stupid show to end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Why can't show's be like Happy Days? ABC would be more entertaining:)
Anyway, sorry for my rude thoughts, but they're all just my opinion. Enjoy Lost while it's still around.
Ciao....for now:)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Why is everyone excited about Feb. 5th?
Dear John......of course. Well, I'm not really excited on seeing this film because I know the ending will be too sad:( And I'm not sure about the actors (this goes for The Last Song too) because I've only seen them in comedies and musicals. But I'll give them credit for starring in a drama/romance movie.
Anyway, I think I'll go see it, just so when people start talking about it, no one spoils it for me. But I'm not really a big fan on films like these because (like I said), the endings tend to be too sad or the story line tends to be dull. Depends on how I like it. Like, I love A Walk to Remember because it surprised me to know that Nicolas Sparks was actually a christian and wrote about a tough boy falling in love with an innocent christian girl. Stuff like that hardly happens in real life. Well, to me at least because I've never had a boyfriend..............and I've never been KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kind of surprising isn't it?
Well, I have more things to worry about than being in relations with a guy and being kissed by a guy. I have school, homework, and the gaint Fanime cosplay convention to worry about the most. And a boyfriend is too much for me to handle at the moment, so don't expect me to get one real soon.
Besides, I'm usually afraid that if I start getting into a relationship, I might fail my subjects or my guy might cheat on me or he might not be a christian. I fear a lot of things when it comes to relations, so that's why I try to avoid getting into one.
I mean, I still want a boyfriend, just not now.
Okay, I'm gonna go now....it's homework time>_< Boooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would give anything to not have any homework right now.

See it, if your a fan of Nicolas Sparks or if love mushy romance films or if you're actually IN a relationship. Unlike me T_T
Anyway, I think I'll go see it, just so when people start talking about it, no one spoils it for me. But I'm not really a big fan on films like these because (like I said), the endings tend to be too sad or the story line tends to be dull. Depends on how I like it. Like, I love A Walk to Remember because it surprised me to know that Nicolas Sparks was actually a christian and wrote about a tough boy falling in love with an innocent christian girl. Stuff like that hardly happens in real life. Well, to me at least because I've never had a boyfriend..............and I've never been KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kind of surprising isn't it?
Well, I have more things to worry about than being in relations with a guy and being kissed by a guy. I have school, homework, and the gaint Fanime cosplay convention to worry about the most. And a boyfriend is too much for me to handle at the moment, so don't expect me to get one real soon.
Besides, I'm usually afraid that if I start getting into a relationship, I might fail my subjects or my guy might cheat on me or he might not be a christian. I fear a lot of things when it comes to relations, so that's why I try to avoid getting into one.
I mean, I still want a boyfriend, just not now.
Okay, I'm gonna go now....it's homework time>_< Boooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would give anything to not have any homework right now.

See it, if your a fan of Nicolas Sparks or if love mushy romance films or if you're actually IN a relationship. Unlike me T_T
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