Finals are next week and I'm not looking forward to it. I do have faith that I'll pass this semester, but I'm just saying that it sucks beyond all reason that I have to cram everything that I have learned this semester in my head in just a few short days D:
And on top of that, I'm gonna be in a Traveling Nativity at my church and cosplay Mary (Well, I'm actually playing Mary but you know what I mean) this weekend. Which means it'll take away my study time. Ahhhh the horror!!!!

But I might actually enjoy it because it's somewhat like cosplay and I get to pretend to pregant (that's how you spell it right) :D lol And my Joesph is this good looking Dutch boy named Gary who's several years older than me. I could tell that he was Dutch because of his adorable accent when he talked. And basically he told me that he came from Holland. lol So at least there is something to look forward to in this Christmas Nativity :D

Anyway, back to finals. Yes, the dreadful horror of college is haunting with tests oh dear O.o But I won't give up because I'm gonna study and study until my poor-brain-that-is-full-of-drawing-ideas HURTS like heck D: And man, I have to create a face portrait of Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's for Art that is due on Monday TT_TT And I've barely started O.O I think I should stop blogging and get started on it now while I still have the chance because tomorrow I have English class, then Math tutoring, and then I'm going to my friend Sal's birthday party at Sizzler.
Sheesh I'm booked D:

Talk to you all later because it's study time for me. Wish me luck on passing or at least pray for me because I really want to pass this semester.
Bye-bye :)